Family Support Worker

Hello! My name is Helen Barrett and I am the Family Support Worker/deputy safeguarding lead in school.

My role in school is to assist staff, children and their families in securing whatever support is required to support each child's progress. I can help you with any worries that you may have in relation to your child's education, behaviour and wellbeing or act as a link between teachers, agencies and yourself.

I am also here as someone to talk to if you need it!

Advice and support is confidential although concerns relating to the safeguarding of children will always be dealt with in accordance with the school's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. My main aim is to be open and honest with you and work to support any concerns for the overall wellbeing of your children and family. I may not have all the answers, but hopefully I can help you to work out how to find them!


Support includes:

  • Promoting good attendance and punctuality.
  • Promoting self-esteem, confidence and positive mental health.
  • Promoting positive behaviour.
  • Providing one-to-one support with life changes and difficulties including Anger/Emotions, social media, bullying, bereavement, separation/divorce or health issues.
  • Supporting with parental issues ie, Domestic Abuse, Housing, Finance, Health and Development concerns.
  • Being the link between school and Early Help Services.


Medical and Health Needs

If your child has any medical or health needs that need to be attended to during the school day, I can work with you and the classroom staff to develop a care plan for school.
I also work closely with the School Nursing team and can make a referral to the School Nurse if required.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at school if you would like to discuss any specific matters with me.


Tel: 01405 813522