School Uniform

School uniform can be purchased at different supermarkets and clothes shops, it does not need to have the school logo on it.

If you would like to order uniform with the school logo on, you can order it online from here.


Our School Uniform


  • Grey or black trousers, shorts or skirt.
  • White polo t-shirt or shirt/blouse
  • Navy cardigan or jumper.


Sturdy shoes suitable for adventurous play outside e.g. no heals or sandals.

With our exciting work with OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) the children will be accessing the outdoor area in a range of weathers and will be taking part in wide variety of activities. Please ensure that your child has a coat with them each day which is suitable for the weather and for taking part in activities such as climbing, painting and enjoying the outdoor environment .


  •  Please ensure all uniform has your child's name written on the inside label.