
Subject Leader: Mrs L Gibson

Subject Intent: Maths is important in the world and is key to our future success. We need to be able to use Mathematical skills and knowledge confidently in our lives in lots of different situations. Maths is a skill we use on a daily basis and is an essential part of everyday life. Therefore, we endeavour to ensure that children develop an enjoyment and enthusiasm for maths that will stay with them throughout their lives. We believe that unlocking mathematical fluency is an essential life skill for all learners and is vital in order to reason and solve problems mathematically. As a school, we recognise that the key to unlocking the potential in our children is through the development of basic mathematical skills and the understanding of mathematical concepts. We therefore place great emphasis on the use of concrete resources and pictorial representations at all ages, to enable children to fully understand the concepts and principles, when presented with abstract calculations and questions.

Curriculum Drivers:

Excited – We want the children to enjoy and be excited by Mathematics.  Activities such as Timetable Rockstars promote a positive attitude towards Maths. We are committed to developing children’s appreciation of the beauty and power of Mathematics. They will be given 1st hand experiences and opportunities where possible.  

Global Citizens – Having a strong foundation of mathematical knowledge, skills and experience will ensure that our pupils are equipped to take on their next steps in the world with confidence.

Inquisitive – Mathematics is an important creative discipline that helps us to understand and change the world. We want all pupils at King Edward Primary School to experience the beauty, power and enjoyment of mathematics and develop a sense of curiosity about the subject with a clear understanding. Children will have opportunities ask questions in Maths and will be given opportunities to discuss and explore the various areas within Maths.

Knowledgeable – Knowledge and skills are shared with the children and prioritised in the teaching process. Knowledge is added to and built up over time. Committing facts and skills to long term memory is a key element within lessons.  Children are able to link their learning  of skills and knowledge across curriculum areas and back to prior learning.

Resilient – We teach the skills to ensure our children are resilient learners who become life-long mathematicians.  We aim to deliver an inspiring and engaging mathematics curriculum through high quality teaching. As a part of the teaching sequence the children will be exposed to challenging tasks with opportunities to extend and broaden their learning. Children will be encouraged to develop their resilience and perseverance through learning from mistakes (their own and those of others) and  evaluating and then improving their work.