Subject Pages
On this page you can find out more about who our Subject Leaders are, what our individual Subject Intents are and how our Curriculum Drivers underpin what we do in each subject.
Subject Leader: Mrs N Beresford
Subject Intent:
To gain the ability to think, reflect and act like creative analytical practitioners with the knowledge of other artists to use materials, processes and techniques skilfully and inventively to express emotions.
Curriculum Drivers:
Excited – Children will become artists! There will be opportunities to use various different media when drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design. They will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to engage, inspire experiment and create their own work.
Global Citizens – Children will experience a wide range of artists, craft makers and designers. They will learn about the impact that significant artists have had on modern day art and look at significant pieces of art work in history. Children will be excited to evaluate and analyse art work and discuss the key messages, thoughts and feelings that the artist portrays.
Inquisitive – Children will have opportunities to be reflect, think and act like creative analytical thinkers when looking at how art and design has reflected and shaped our history and contributed to the culture and creativity of our nation. They will be given the stimulus to become inquisitive and ask questions. They will also have the opportunity to explore a range of different materials.
Knowledgeable – Knowledge and techniques are shared with the children and prioritised in the teaching process. Knowledge is added to and built up over time. Committing this to long term memory is a key element within lessons. Children are able to link their learning of skills and knowledge across curriculum areas and back to prior learning.
Resilient - Children will be encouraged to develop their resilience and perseverance through learning from mistakes (their own and those of others) and evaluating and improving their art with an understanding that their initial techniques might not always be successful. Children develop this further by reflecting on their work and techniques regularly in their sketchbooks and confidently sharing their likes and dislikes.
Subject Leader: Mr A Littlefair
Subject Intent: Computing will prepare you for the future. Technology keeps changing and many jobs require you to understand how it works. You will gain the ability and understanding on how to connect with others safely and respectfully. You will become competent in coding, collecting organising and manipulating data on a range of devices.
Curriculum Drivers:
Excited – Children will become computer scientists and digital literate. They will explore how digital systems work. They will have practical experiences and be given the chance to explore and direct their own learning.
Global Citizens – Children will learn about the opportunities computers offer to work, connect and explore the world. They will learn how to be a positive presence online but also be aware of the dangers.
Inquisitive – Children will have opportunities to use computational thinking and creativity. They will be taught to use technology safely, respectfully and recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour and be encouraged to ask any questions they have.
Knowledgeable – Knowledge is shared with the children and prioritised in the teaching process. Knowledge is added to and built up over time. Committing facts and skills to long term memory is a key element within lessons. Children are able to link their learning of skills and knowledge across curriculum areas and back to prior learning.
Resilient – Children will have opportunities to use logical reasoning to debug and correct algorithms. They will write their own computer programs and they will be encouraged to persevere if something doesn’t work first time.
Subject Leader: Mrs J Crowther
Subject Intent: Design & Technology develops independent working skills, creative problem-solving and the ability to think as an individual and as part of a team. Children will have opportunities to develop a range of ideas and design and make products and systems for a variety of purposes.
Curriculum Drivers:
Excited – Children will become designers and creators! They will design and make products and systems for identified real and meaningful purposes. There will be a significant practical element. They will be given 1st hand experiences and opportunities where possible.
Global Citizens – Children to be proud of who they are and where they come from. to respect themselves, others and the wider environment and know how to take care of all of it. Children will recognise and react positively towards saving the environment by recycling, choosing renewable energy and preventing waste where possible for their practical activities.
Inquisitive – Children will have opportunities to analyse and ask questions about existing products and systems. The projects studied will allow children to explore the various elements of Design and Technology (design, make, evaluate, technical knowledge and food tech). Children will have opportunities to find out how and to what extent products meet the needs of an identified group. They will have chances to explore and produce design ideas and then test how well their solutions meet the design brief.
Knowledgeable – Knowledge is shared with the children and prioritised in the teaching process. Knowledge is added to and built up over time. Committing facts and skills to long term memory is a key element within lessons. Children are able to link their learning of skills and knowledge across curriculum areas and back to prior learning.
Resilient – As a part of the teaching sequence the children will be exposed to challenging tasks with opportunities to extend and broaden their learning. Children will be encouraged to develop their resilience and perseverance through learning from mistakes (their own and those of others) and evaluating and improving their work with an understanding that their initial ideas may not always be successful.
Subject Leaders: Mrs R Neadley & Mrs A Smedley
Subject Intent: To gain knowledge and understanding about the world in which we live and how it has evolved; how the processes of physical and human geography has played a part in this change over time. We want them to have a passion for geography, to develop their sense of curiosity and desire to explore the world in which we live in. To understand the world and their place in it.
Curriculum Drivers:
Excited – Children will have a variety of opportunities to experience geography first-hand. They will study our locality and attend trips to geographically significant places. Learning journeys will explore the marvel of our world! Children will celebrate Earth Day each year, developing awareness and understanding about their environment.
Global Citizens – Images, video and real-life experiences will show children the beauty of geography. The efforts of people such as Greta Thunberg and David Attenborough will be recognised and shared. Children will be passionate about the world they live in.
Inquisitive – Children will ask questions about the world they live in. They will want to know how human and physical geography has been affected in their locality. Likewise, they will want to know more about the geography of other countries. This will be explored through research and enquiry.
Knowledgeable – Geographical knowledge is shared with the children and prioritised in the teaching. We make sure children know (and remember) where places in the world are and how to use a map to find them, this supports them in further deepening their understanding of concepts like trade and migration. We also want children to know and understand the difference between physical and human geographical features. We want our children to know how to collect, analyse and interpret geographical data.
Resilient – Children will be challenged to take on new learning and understand that they cannot always be experts straight away. Children will be able to make comparisons between different countries and encouraged to apply geographical knowledge within different areas of the curriculum.
Subject Leader: Mrs L Wilson
Subject Intent: To develop skills to gain knowledge, understanding and respect about real chronological events which happened in the past. We want children to have a passion for history to develop their sense of curiosity and to have the desire to embrace challenging high quality research.
Curriculum Drivers:
Excited – Children have opportunities to throw themselves in to history! Opportunities such as visitor events and the local history studies throughout the curriculum enthuse and interest the children.
Global Citizens – Children will learn about a diverse range of historical figures such as Rosa Parks, Malala Yousafzi, Mae Jemison, Mother Teresa, Anne Frank, Howard Carter who show children what is possible if they passionately believe in a cause and their own ability. Children will understand how these people have shaped the world in which they live today and that it doesn’t matter what your background is, you can change the world.
Inquisitive – Projects allow children to explore history beyond their culture and ask questions about what has happened in the past. They will value diversity and celebrate our rich heritage and culture.
Knowledgeable – Coherent knowledge is shared with the children and is prioritised in the teaching process.
Resilient – Children will be challenge to take on new learning, make comparisons between periods of time and understand that they cannot always become experts straight away. They will learn to think critically and weigh evidence and sift arguments. E.g. KS2 the evidence of Stonehenge and the theories of why it was built.
Subject Leader: Mrs R Brickley (Maternity Cover for Miss L Booth)
Subject Intent: We listen, speak, read and write in MFL in Key Stage Two, this enables us to be ready for Secondary school where we will learn other languages.
Curriculum Drivers:
Excited – Children have opportunities to throw themselves in to French! Opportunities such as visitor events and extra-curricular clubs to further engage the children will be arranged. ‘French day’ will be organised across the whole school to enthuse and interest the children to develop a passion and enthusiasm for the culture and language .
Global Citizens – Children will celebrate ‘international Francophonie Day’ each year. Children will learn about the varied French culture and what it is like to live in France or other French speaking countries. Children will also explore the achievements of a diverse group of Famous French nationals.
Inquisitive – Teaching allows children to explore the French language and beyond, including the French culture. Children will ask questions about France and French speaking countries and what it is like to live there.
Knowledgeable – Knowledge is shared with the children and prioritised in the teaching process.
Resilient – Children will be challenged to take on new learning and understand that they cannot always become experts straight away. Children will be encouraged to try and apply the French language in a variety of different situations.
Subject Leader: Miss S Garton
Subject Intent: To gain a musical understanding and curiosity of how historical, social and cultural origins of music contributes to the diversity of musical styles. To learn how to perform, listen and reflect on different types of music and use different instruments to create and produce our own pieces expressing thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Curriculum Drivers:
Excited – Children will have opportunities to experience music first-hand. They will view performances from professionals and will be immersed in the musical composition process. Learning journeys will explore the greatest compositions from wide ranging genres and artists.
Global Citizens – Children will experience a breadth of classic and modern day musicians and composers. The impact that significant artists have had on modern day music will be shared as well as significant musical events such as the work of ‘Band Aid’. Children will be excited to share the music they listen to and the key messages that lyrics can portray.
Inquisitive – Children will be encouraged to ask questions about the music they hear and have experienced. They will want to know about the historical significance of genres such as R&B, Classical and Motown and experience music from other cultures such as that of the griots from The Gambia.
Knowledgeable – Musical knowledge and understanding is shared with the children and prioritised in the teaching. We are committed to ensuring children know (and remember) the fundamentals of key musical concept.
Resilient - As a part of the teaching sequence the children will be exposed to challenging tasks with opportunities to extend and broaden their skills. Children will be encouraged to develop their resilience and perseverance through learning from mistakes (their own and those of others) and evaluating and improving their work.
Subject Leader: Mr D Heath
Subject Intent: Our curriculum aims to give a wide range of opportunities and activities to try and excite and appeal to everyone. To encourage lifelong learners who can engage in sports with confidence. To be able to engage children in competitive sports and ensure we promote healthy active lives.
Curriculum Drivers:
Excited – Children will learn new lifelong skills from a broad range of activities.
Global Citizens – To be able to develop skills to enable children to compete in sports within and outside of the school environment.
Inquisitive – Children will be able to try new sports and activities, through the PE curriculum and the after school club provision
Knowledgeable – Knowledge is shared with the children and prioritised in the teaching process. Knowledge is added to and built up over time. Committing facts and skills to long term memory is a key element within lessons. Children are able to link their learning of skills and knowledge across curriculum areas and back to prior learning.
Resilient – Children will have opportunities to show resilience in a broad range of activities, To cooperate and collaborate with other children in effective teams and opportunities to compete inter and intra school competitions. To promote the belief that to keep trying even if you find it hard.
Subject Leader: Mrs J Wetherall
Subject Intent: Every day we have to make choices; PSHE helps us to keep safe, live a healthy life and be a responsible member of our community. PSHE teaches our children to be responsible and respectful individuals who are well prepared for responsibilities and opportunities in the next stage of their life.
Curriculum Drivers:
Excited – Children have opportunities to throw themselves in to PSHE! Events will be organised to try enthuse and interest the children including Anti-Bullying week, Mental Health awareness and Road Safety. Our Jigsaw lessons ensure the children experience a range of activities including team bonding, group discussions and stories.
Global Citizens – Jigsaw lessons aim to empower children to understand their own rights and those of others, and supports the development of global citizenship. Every school year starts with the children identifying why they are important and their roles in the community, country and world.
Inquisitive – Throughout our jigsaw lessons the children are confident to ask questions, encouraged to be inquisitive and discuss issues that are important to them. Lessons will inspire children to be curious about the world around them.
Knowledgeable – Knowledge is shared with the children and prioritised in the teaching process. Children are informed how to make healthy choices both in and out of school; build positive relationships; be aware of their emotions; online safety; money matters; and growing and changing.
Resilient – Children will be challenged to take on new learning and understand that they cannot always become experts straight away. PSHE lessons will teach the children how to identify and talk about their feelings and emotions. The children will discuss how to set challenges for themselves and what to do if things don’t go according to plan.
Subject Leader: Mrs J Gelder
Subject Intent: RE teaches us to understand and respect different religions, beliefs, values and traditions. We want children to reflect on what it means to have a faith and to develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding. Children to learn from religions as well as about religions in order to create a wider tolerance and understanding of all people.
Curriculum Drivers:
Excited – Children have opportunities to throw themselves in to RE! Opportunities such as visitor events will be organised to try enthuse and interest the children. Where possible, we will organise visits to places of worships.
Global Citizens – Children will learn about different religions and believes through enquiry question approach such as Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam . This approach allows children to have empathy with people and their beliefs, religious. They will learn about significant religious places and people around the world and how these places impacts beliefs for example in Year 4 learning about the River Ganges how this is special to Hindus and exploring if its special to non-Hindus. Children will learning about different religious festivals and understand how these festivals have impacted communities across the world.
Inquisitive – teaching allows children to explore religions, faiths and cultures. They ask questions about other faiths and religions, making comparisons of similarities and differences. Children are respectful of other faiths, cultures, religions and views.
Knowledgeable – Knowledge is shared with the children and prioritised in the teaching process. Children are exposed to a range of faiths and beliefs. We follow the Doncaster Syllabus for RE.
Resilient – Children will be challenge to take on new learning and understand that they cannot always become experts straight away
Subject Leader: Mrs A Cassidy
Subject Intent: To gain knowledge and understanding about how science has changed our lives and understand how it is a vital part of our future. We want them to have passion for science to understand how it impacts our own lives and the world in which we live.
Curriculum Drivers:
Excited – Learning will be fun and engaging. There will be a lot of practical, hands-on learning that will involve the children actively learning and even getting messy. They will be stimulated by their discoveries and the implications of their results.
Global Citizens – Children will learn about their planet through looking at their local area, their country and the rest of the world. They will investigate issues and events in the news locally, nationally and globally, such as pollution, so that that they have an understanding of what is going on around them. They will also learn how their actions today will impact their future and what they can do to help to make a positive change.
Inquisitive – Children will experience and observe phenomena. Children will be encouraged to recognise patterns and ask their own questions. They will work scientifically when conducting experiments to help them understand more about a process or observation. The more they learn, the more questions they’ll have!
Knowledgeable – Scientific knowledge is shared with the children and prioritised in the teaching of science. Scientific vocabulary, methods and processors will be introduced and used throughout teaching. We make sure children know that science has changed our lives and will impact our future. Children are encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.
Resilient - Children will be challenged to take on new learning, carry out experiments, make comparisons and understand that they cannot always become experts straight away